

Earned a favorite prize in Developer Week 2020 HACKATHON

Earned a favorite prize in Developer Week 2020 HACKATHON

Earned a favorite prize in Developer Week 2020 HACKATHON

The Hackathon

I participated in Developer Week 2020 Hackathon with engineer friends. The Hackathon, with over 600 developers, was a two-day event.We proposed a mobile app that makes it easy for anyone to invest in startups in the blockchain area. Our team won the Favorite Prize sponsor. We received the prize money and an invitation to Blockchain Accelerator.

Everyone can easily startup small investment

We prototyped an app in Developer week 2020 hackathon that uses the near-blockchain to make it easy for anyone to invest in a startup. We researched, designed and implemented it in a limited amount of tim




Born from Creativity and Care.




Born from Creativity and Care.